Note: This is the PDF version of the Guide; there is also an e-book version. Choose this file you want to print the Guide or plan to read it on a screen that comfortably accommodates US Letter sized documents. If you are using a smaller device, use a screen reader or need adjustable font size, please get the e-book version instead.

This is the FAQ for when, why, and how to get a CPA/attorney/financial planner! It includes Q&A, a pep talk, a checklist for interviewing prospective pros, and a handy reference for when to call your CPA/attorney/financial planner before acting so they can save you some pain and money.

I wrote this guide in response to the many lovely humans who have asked me to be their CPA. I'm no longer in public practice, but I still want you to have professional advisors who suit you and are worth their fees. I've been nervous on both sides of the table (the pro side and the prospective client side), and this guide gives you the background knowledge and supportive tools to proceed, if not with confidence, at least with MORE confidence.

The booklet is pay-what-you-want, with suggested prices of: $19 if you are financially able to vacation, $0 if you sometimes struggle to cover food or housing, and an amount in between those if financially somewhere in between. It is complimentary for members of the Art Brand Alliance.