CPA Nag comes to you from Kat Sklar, a writer-turned-CPA-turned-writer in Portland, Oregon who runs The Friendly Spreadsheet, LLC as their main gig. You can opt in to the following kinds of emails:
US Quarterly Estimated Tax Reminders
Sent three weeks, one week, and one day before US estimated tax due dates for individual tax filers. The final email for each quarter includes a new cat photo. 12 emails/year.
Business Owner Nags
Reminders about tedious shit like making sure your back up system is actually working, revisiting your software choices, the business version of a dead box and so on. When you sign up, you’ll receive a series of archival posts arriving once every two weeks until you run out the archive sequence. After that, you’ll get new nags as they are composed. Every two years or so, you’ll get the option to re-start the sequence from the beginning. (Things worth nagging about bear repeating.)
Smorgasbord Musings
Whatever it is Kat has on their mind, plus links to Kat’s writing when published elsewhere. Probably includes a life hack like this one: “Breaking news: everything is easier if you always fold over one end of the tape before you apply it to something. Always having a pull tab is amazing!” Sent erratically, no more than 1x/month.
Friendly Spreadsheet Updates
YNAB and/or personal finance specific content as well as news about the business and upcoming workshop offerings. Unlikely to be more than 8 emails/year.