Business Owner Nag: Welcome
What to expect from this email sequence
Hi there! You’re receiving this email because you ticked the “I want Business Owner Nags” box on the subscription form for the CPA Nag newsletter. I wanted to pause and explain how I decide what lands in this Business Owner Nag email sequence.
First up, there’s the 10+ years I spent working in public accounting. For you, the interesting bit of this is the conversations I overheard in the break room, where more senior CPAs would lament the things their clients did without talking to them first. “I could have saved them so much money if they’d CALLED!” I want to remind you about things I’ve learned the hard way, or that I’ve listened to other people learn the hard way.
Secondly, I’m a huge process nerd. If I tell another business owner about how I do something and they tell me they wish they think it’s clever and they want to pass it on, that’s also a contender for this email sequence. In fact, the very first email after this one is one of those. I get to talk to other business owners at a really granular level as part of my financial skills coaching and consulting practice for The Friendly Spreadsheet, so this comes up more often than I would ever have guessed.
My content plan for the yet-to-be-written emails in this sequence comes from lecture planning for art students. (Really!) I occasionally guest lecture on taxes, budgeting, and entrepreneurship for students at the Pacific Northwest College of Art. Each time I customize a talk for a new batch of students, I have to ditch topics that are too niche or too complicated or too advanced for folks that mostly aren’t yet business owners. I cut and paste my ditched talking points into a Google Doc for ‘future soapbox opportunities’. And what is a newsletter if not a string of soapbox opportunities?
I hope that whets your appetite! I’ll be back in your inbox with another Business Owner Nag tomorrow, and then two weeks after that, and two weeks after that, and two weeks after that, and… so on.